The brewery will be closed from January 6th until the 31st of January included, We will reopen the brewery on February 1st.

An authentic Flemish Brown Ale both strong and sweet

Bruinen Os is a high fermentation craft beer, brewed in limited quantity at brewery Bourgogne Des Flandres in Bruges. It offers the powerful taste of an authentic Flemish Brown Ale, both strong and sweet, with a beautiful dark ruby-like, slightly cloudy, colour.

Brown Ale, Alc. 8%

Tasting notes


The base is malty and slightly sweet. It presents the mild aromas of caramel and toffee complemented with more powerful notes of dark chocolate. Fruity notes of fried banana add some complexity to the nose.

Flavour and mouthfeel

The initial mouthfeel is smooth, round and slightly alcoholic. A complex malty flavour complemented with the sweetness of caramel and toffee results in a well-supported final bitterness which comes across very mildly. It is a liquid version of fried banana with brown sugar flambéed with bourbon and finished with chocolate sauce.

Aftertaste and general impression

The aftertaste develops nicely from the flavour and ends in a complex, slightly bitter finale. A fruity, somewhat sweet note lingers, but the finish is dry enough to avoid a sticky sensation.

This beer is the perfect match for one of the best-known dishes in Flemish cuisine: carbonade. A not too pungent, creamy blue cheese will certainly appreciate the company of this beer as well. And crème brûlée is a must for those who have a sweet tooth.

Brasserie de Waterloo BVBA

Kartuizerinnenstraat 6
8000 Brugge
BE 0839 809 964

Bourgogne des Flandres Finest Brewery Shop, in the heart of Bruges.

How to find us?

Calculate route

Opening Hours

Tuesday - Sunday
Closed on Monday except during belgian school holidays
10:30 – 17:00
Ale House 10:30 - 18:30