The brewery will be closed from January 6th until the 31st of January included, We will reopen the brewery on February 1st.

A wonderfull beer from another time Simplicity and natural elegance

Blonden Os is a top-fermenting artisanal beer, historically brewed at the Bourgogne Des Flandres Brewery in Bruges. Its simplicity ans its natural elegance are evocative of these wonderful beers from another time.

Flemish blond Ale, Alc. 6,5%

Tasting notes


The mildly malty base is reminiscent of the one found in lager. The nose is pure, elegant and not overwhelming. The bouquet is complemented by a slightly fruity and spicy aroma of hops.

Flavour and mouthfeel

The start is mildly malty with a slightly sweet base. The carbon dioxide provides the necessary freshness. The flavour evolves into a dry finale with the pleasant bitterness of hops.

Aftertaste and general impression

The aftertaste is dry, bitter and slightly spicy and lingers exactly long enough. The ideal thirst-quencher with a very mild flavour that will certainly appeal to the palate.


Traditionally prepared asparagus (Flemish style) or a simple omelette. A soft Herve cheese for true epicures or a somewhat milder abbey cheese such as Père Joseph for those who are a bit less adventurous. Also highly recommended as an aperitif.

Brasserie de Waterloo BVBA

Kartuizerinnenstraat 6
8000 Brugge
BE 0839 809 964

Bourgogne des Flandres Finest Brewery Shop, in the heart of Bruges.

How to find us?

Calculate route

Opening Hours

Tuesday - Sunday
Closed on Monday except during belgian school holidays
10:30 – 17:00
Ale House 10:30 - 18:30